Our commitment to sustainability  

We recognise the impact of climate change and are committed to being an environmentally responsible organisation and to striving for better outcomes for our animals, people and planet. Our commitment is twofold: transforming our organisational practices to minimise our environmental footprint and safeguarding the natural environment across all our wildlife reserves. 

Our dedicated Green Team

Our staff committee actively work to improve the environmental responsibility of our operations, promoting eco-friendly practices across the charity, fostering a "think green" culture, and providing staff with relevant environmental training to embed sustainability into their daily practices. 

Our Wildlife Reserves 

Our reserves host approximately 70 hectares of grassland and over 250 acres of semi-ancient woodland, supporting habitats of 100s of animals and capturing a significant amount of carbon from the atmosphere. We follow sustainable practices to protect biodiversity, soil, water, landscape and the historical environment. Our commitment extends to a variety of specific projects such as the nature recovery project in partnership with neighbouring landowners at the Cove Down wildlife reserve. After just a few years this has already seen positive results. The woodland, scrub and grassland, and the wetland areas created by the local beavers, are all great natural ways of capturing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it away.   

Animal Charity

Organisational practices 

We are committed to ensuring our ecological footprint is minimised by way of renewable energy sources, waste reduction and ethical procurement practices. We promote alternatives to travel, encourage the use of technology for meetings and always prioritise greener travel options.

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© 2025 The League Against Cruel Sports. Registered charity in England and Wales (1095234) and Scotland (SC045533).
Registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee, no. 04037610.
Registered office: New Sparling House, Holloway Hill, Godalming, GU7 1QZ, United Kingdom.