A Summary of Events

  • Members of the Avon Vale Hunt were exposed in sickening footage showing them appearing to dig up foxes and then set their hounds on them.
  • The incident outraged the public and drew criticism from musician Brian May and broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham. Both condemned fox hunts for their cruelty and their use of so-called 'trail' hunting to try and mask the fact the scents their hounds follow are those of wild mammals, not a pre-laid trail.
  • Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment Jim McMahon condemned the behaviour of hunts in an ITV interview. He confirmed that the Labour party in government would close loopholes in the hunting ban.
  • The Avon Vale Hunt is now suspended by the hunts’ governing body but its behaviour is being mirrored across the country by other hunts who employ terrier men and who still chase and kill foxes despite the ban.

This sickening footage shows that hunts are still targeting foxes and that ‘trail’ hunting is a sham and a smokescreen being used to deceive the public, police and courts. It’s time for change – hunting laws need to be strengthened and the brutal world of fox hunting ended once and for all.”"

League Against Cruel Sports

This is not an isolated incident. Chief Superintendent Matt Longman, who leads on hunting-related crime in this country said that the Illegal hunting of foxes with a pack of hounds is “prolific”.

Our timeline below offers more information on why it's time for change.

Animal Charity

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