When most people think of ‘game’ bird shooting they think of wild birds being skilfully shot by a few friends out walking in our beautiful countryside. Birds shot for the pot with minimal impact on wildlife and the environment. 

The reality, however, couldn’t be further from this idyllic image of the British countryside. The shooting industry is just that, an industry profiting from industrial scale cruelty in the name of ‘sport’. 

Every year tens of millions of game birds are bred on factory farms for the sole purpose of being shot on estates across England and Wales. Snares and traps are set, catching foxes, stoats, crows, badgers, hares, and domestic pets. Birds of prey are killed illegally.  

All this to protect the quarry the shooting industry relies upon.  

The very birds that are going to be killed anyway – by people who pay just for the pleasure. 

No other cruel sport in the UK has such a devastating impact on animals as commercial game bird shooting. 

It’s time for change. It’s time to end shooting.


Help us end the use of cages for game birds and all farmed animals. It’s time for change.

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What is game bird shooting?

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Pheasant and partridge shooting

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