Charities welcome launch of Ban on Hunting Private Member’s Bill Consultation

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The League Against Cruel Sports and USPCA have welcomed the launch of a Private Members Bill to bring about a ban on hunting with dogs, tabled by John Blair MLA.

Already illegal in England, Wales and Scotland, Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where it's still legal to hunt mammals for sport.

Animal Charity

Robbie Marsden, Freddie the Fox, John Blair MLA, and Nora Smith

Speaking following the launch of the Private Members Bill, USPCA Chief Executive Nora Smith said: “USPCA joined Together with the League Against Cruel Sports in March to ban hunting with dogs.  Our polling has shown that over 70% of people across all age groups and all parts of Northern Ireland want this terrible form of animal cruelty to end.

Since the launch of our Together Campaign we have taken our message to ban hunting with dogs to politicians and the public.  Our online petition has received over 7,000 signatures and is growing daily. 

We would like to thank John for his continued support to bring about this ban and look forward to continuing our engagement with the MLAs and the public over the coming months.”

Robbie Marsland, the League's Northern Ireland Director, said: “Chasing and killing a mammal with dogs has no place in today’s society. We are asking people to let our local politicians know that this cruel killing of wild animals has to end.

“This Private Members Bill is not an attack on hunting as humane alternatives such as drag hunting will remain protected. It is calling time on the unnecessary and cruel killing of wild animals by dogs.

“While farmers need effective methods of pest control, evidence shows that hunting with dogs isn’t one of them. It’s a sport that is cruel to the wild animals and the dogs that are forced to kill them. 

We have been heartened by the conversations we have held with MLAs, parties and the public, and hope they will be able to support the Bill when it comes before the Assembly.”

Sign the petition here

Animal Charity

Notes to editor

  • To sign the League and USPCA's petition to end hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland, see here
  • Polling was conducted by LucidTalk Limited on 9th to 11thFebruary with 1050 respondents.
  • Hunting with animals was banned in England and Wales through the Hunting Act 2004
  • Traditional fox hunting and hare coursing was banned in Scotland through the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002.  This Act was repealed in 2023 and replaced with the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) 2023.  
  • Under this Act:

           It will still be an offence to hunt a wild mammal using a dog except in limited circumstances. For example, hunting with dogs may be allowed to prevent the spread of disease or to protect other animals if the activity meets the requirements in the Bill about how it is done.

           However, it will always be illegal to chase and kill a wild mammal using a dog. 

           Where hunting is allowed, the Act introduces new limits on the number of dogs that can be used.

           In some circumstances, people may be able to get a licence to use more dogs.

          The Act also bans trail hunting except in limited circumstances. Trail hunting is when a dog is used to find and follow an animal-based scent.

    • The League and USPCA have prepared a rebuttal document, answering many of the myths around the positives of hunting with animals, which is available at on request
    • For media enquiries or interview requests please contact the League Against Cruel Sports Press Office on 01483 524250 or email

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