League welcomes Green Party commitment to strengthen fox hunting laws

National Animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports welcomes the inclusion of plans to ban all blood sports including trail hunting in the Green Party’s manifesto.

Despite being banned by the Hunting Act 2004, fox hunting remains prolific in England and Wales, often hiding behind the smokescreen of so-called trail hunting. The Green Party’s recognition of the need to strengthen the law is welcome news for animals at risk from hunts.

With increased public awareness of the continuation of illegal hunting, support for strengthening the law is strong right across the country with 76% of people, including 70% of rural voters backing such a policy.

Chris Luffingham, Acting Chief Executive for the League Against Cruel Sports said:

“The Green Party have recognised that the Hunting Act is not working, animals are still being chased and killed on a routine basis, and it’s time for change. Their pledge to strengthen the law is welcome and much needed to protect persecuted animals.”

It is clear that supporting tougher laws to protect animals from hunts is a significant vote winner. A strong majority of voters for all major parties back strengthening the law to protect animals and rural communities.

Chris added:

“We urge all parties to echo the Green Party’s strong support for ending blood sports including trail hunting. Only by strengthening the law on hunting can we protect animals and rural communities from this barbaric, outdated practice.”

Animal Charity

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