Men convicted of illegal fox hunting after fox is torn apart

National animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports has welcomed the conviction of two men for illegal fox hunting - including an incident in which a fox was torn apart on a family’s patio last year.

However, the charity is also calling for stronger hunting laws and punishments.

Huntsman Edward Bell and Whipper-In Adam Egginton of the West Norfolk Hunt were found guilty and fined at Great Yarmouth Magistrates Court on Friday for two hunting offences.

Judge Matthew Bone dismissed the pair’s excuse they were trail hunting, saying they had taken “the opportunity to engage in unlawful fox hunting”.

Emma Judd, the League’s head of campaigns, said: “We welcome this conviction which highlights that brutal fox hunting is still going on despite the ban.

“It’s time for change and for the new government to act without delay to strengthen fox hunting laws by banning trail hunting, removing the loopholes in the Hunting Act, and introducing custodial sentences for those who are caught breaking the law.”

A victim impact statement from the family who owned the garden said: “Emotionally it is extremely distressing that we had to clean up the aftermath of the hounds ripping apart a poor lonesome fox on our patio.”

Bell and Egginton were ordered to pay fines of £1,700 each, broken down to a £1,000 fine, a £400 surcharge and £300 court costs.

Emma added: “Custodial sentences would prove an effective deterrent in stopping fox hunts from killing animals and behaving as if they are above the law.”

Animal Charity

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