What does a new government mean for reporting animal cruelty?

2 minute read

Potential new legislation in relation to cruel sports and reporting potential crimes

Labour's agenda to enhance animal welfare is poised to create significant changes. Here’s a closer look at their key commitments in relation to cruel sports and the potential impact on reporting animal cruelty:

  • Ending the badger cull: The new government opposes the badger cull, advocating instead for non-lethal methods to control bovine tuberculosis. Reporting will need to shift towards exposing illegal culling practices and promoting successful alternative measures. Existing licencing is expected to continue until 2026.
  • Strengthening the Hunting Act: The new government intends to strengthen the Hunting Act and close loopholes in the law, including the banning of trail hunting. As the law hasn't been strengthened yet, and illegal hunting may change tactics, it is crucial to remain vigilant.
  • Supporting pet owners: Efforts to ensure responsible breeding are part of Labour’s plan. Highlighting poor breeding practices and supporting responsible pet ownership will be key reporting areas. For us, this is true in relation to dog fighting and associated breeding conditions and on-going treatment of abuse to dogs which includes the banning of the sale of animals with cropped ears.
  • Promoting conservation: The government aims to support conservation efforts to protect Britain’s nature. Efforts need to be focused on reporting incidents that damage natural habitats, as well as the use of snares which will hopefully be banned.

Why you need to report animal cruelty through cruel sports

With Labour's proposed legislation aimed at finally ending cruel sports, public vigilance is essential to ensure these laws are upheld.

Reporting animal cruelty directly protects animals from harm. Every report contributes to stopping these cruel practices and safeguarding wildlife.

A well-documented history of reports and prosecutions creates a deterrent effect. Potential offenders are less likely to engage in illegal activities if they know there is a high likelihood of being reported and prosecuted. Your report can help build a culture where animal cruelty is not tolerated.

Your information helps us to carry out our mission more effectively, providing the evidence needed to campaign for further changes and better protection for animals.

If you would like to report animal cruelty in the name of sport, you can complete our confidential form.

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