We share the belief of the overwhelming majority of the British public that animals should be defended from persecution in the name of ‘sport’, and therefore we pledge to ensure we will never allow, promote or otherwise enable blood sports such as hunting, shooting or animal fighting."
Business Without Blood Sports signatories
What is the Business Without Blood Sports pledge?

How the pledge help businesses and consumers
As polling continues to show, Britain is a nation of animal lovers. In YouGov polling carried out in August 2022, more than a quarter of British people who responded listed the environment as one of the top three greatest issues facing the country. The vast majority of the UK population are opposed to blood sports (Ipsos MORI, 2017), and animal welfare issues are a key public concern. We believe that companies declaring their business free of blood sports will be viewed positively by consumers and build a shared purpose that reflects their personal values and beliefs. The pledge also helps consumers to make purchases that are in line with their ethics by being able to confirm that a company in no way supports or enables blood sports.
Why businesses are signing up to the pledge
Over 160 companies have signed up to the pledge building a community of businesses whose ethical and social responsibility policies are similarly compassionate. These companies are better able to connect with a public that is increasingly discerning in its consumer choices. As a signatory to the pledge businesses also benefit from a close association with our charity. The Business Without Blood Sports pledge is the first of its kind in the UK and costs nothing to join. By signing up companies are helping to protect animals from cruel sports set a precedent in creating a kinder society.
Join the Pledge
Boost the ethical credentials of your company and assure customers that your business in no way supports or enables cruel sports.
Join now